Monday, April 28, 2014

Fifteen Weeks

Second trimester, second trimester, second trimester!  The internets, pregnancy books, and OBGYN's packet all have different timelines for when the second trimester "officially" starts, so I'm self declaring myself in the second trimester!  I haven't felt nauseated all week (knock on wood), ate beef for dinner (yay hamburgers made by my amazing honey!), and felt well enough yesterday to help drill wood together for our raised garden beds (yay more energy!).  So, I'm stoked to be pregnant this week!  Stay tune for future uncomfortableness in the third trimester... :o)

How far along? 15 weeks

Baby's size? 4 inches- an apple in my tummy!

Total weight gain: 10 lbs... sure, we'll say the same amount since I don't want to get up an weigh myself... :o)

Maternity clothes? Yep!  I had some fun finding work pants that fit to use while working in the garden yesterday.  Thankfully, one pair of exercise pants still fit that we're too hot.

Sleep: Gah! I woke up 2 times Friday night for my nightly bathroom visits!  Not cool, baby, not cool!  Better work on my drinking water curfew...

Best moment(s) this past week: Toss up between dancing the night away for Bridgid's birthday to an awesome Beatles cover band (gotta love the belly jiggle!) and going to the LDS temple in San Antonio (yay for quite meditation time!)

Miss Anything?  Fitting into clothes this week.  I only have 5 dresses/ skits that I fit into right now!  And if you know me, that's quite tragic for this girly girl!

Movement: Still none.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!  Go second trimester!!

Cravings:  Birthday cake and ice cream! ( - warning, only watch the first 7 seconds to avoid a swear word)  Made Nathan do a grocery store run to buy birthday cake ice cream to satisfy both cravings. 

Labor Signs: Nope. 

Gender: To be determined in 5 weeks!

Symptoms:  Still have full belly feeling, which made dancing a little bit more interesting... feeling stabby this week too

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On, but it’s getting tight…

Happy or Moody most of the time: 70% happy, 30% stabby
Looking forward to: Lots of plans this week!  Dinner with friends for Family Home Evening, essential oils class, celebrating sister-in-law Camberley's birthday (probably at Cheesecake Factory-yum!), and feeding the missionaries dinner (anyone want to come??)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Fourteen Weeks!!

 Happy Easter!  Hope you're enjoying a wonderful day with friends and family, celebrating this amazing holiday. 

How far along? 14 weeks
Baby's size? 3.5 inches- a lemon this week 
Total weight gain: 10 lbs- time to increase the veggies and the walking!
Maternity clothes? Yep!  For sure all of my pants.  I'm enjoying my larger shirts and maternity dresses- they're super comfy! 
Sleep: Still waking up once a night for a bathroom break, but I have a huge body pillow as of yesterday (thanks Mom!!)- now sleep is just so much better!  And it's fun to "accidentally" hit Nathan with it... :o)
Best moment(s) this past week: Having my mom in town to see the baby bump!  She's just one of my favorite people, and it's wonderful having her around while I go through my first pregnancy.  
Miss Anything?  Having energy!  I feel like such a bum when I can only do so much to help out at home or to get work done.
Movement: Not this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The thought of BBQ, but I'm finally feeling better this week!  Huzzah!
Cravings:  Watermelon! So so good, especially as it gets warmer.
Labor Signs: Nope.  But I did have my first labor dream/ nightmare...not fun...
Gender: To be determined in 6 weeks…
Symptoms:  Mostly just super tired this week.  And that full belly feeling when you ate too much, 2 hours after my last normal sized meal... it's kinda weird.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but it’s getting tight…
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy this week, which I'm sure makes Nathan happy  :o)
Looking forward to: Finishing our garden- can't wait to start having fresh veggies this summer!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Thirteen weeks

Okay, I’ll really get better at doing this!  Promise!  We had a pretty exciting 2 weeks, complete with 2 ultrasounds!  I think the baby really just wants us to check up on him/her- especially since in the last one it looked like the baby was waving at us!  :o)

How far along? 13 weeks
Baby's size? 3 inches- as long as a pea pod! 
Total weight gain: Umm… 5-10 lbs? Probably should be weighing myself more…
Maternity clothes? Yep!  For sure all of my pants, but I can still fit into some of my shirts and dresses.
Sleep: Still waking up once a night for a bathroom break.  It’s getting harder to fall back asleep now…
Best moment(s) this past week: Seeing my baby!  I just love seeing him/her move around, and this time Nathan got to see too!  Also, announcing to the world that we have a baby on the way- such a wonderful outpouring of love!
Miss Anything?  Cake batter… it was SO hard not to lick the bowl clean this week…
Movement: One of the nurse practitioners said the flutter I feel sometimes has to be the baby.  So yes!  But only once every great while.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Garlic pizza today, still no real pattern.
Cravings:  Steak!  Chicken!  I think I need more protein but I just want to eat meat!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Gender: To be determined…
Symptoms:  Tired, a little nauseated still, TONS more feels!!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but it’s getting tight…
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody but with happy thrown in there?  Sometimes I tear up over how great the people in my life are…and sometimes I have angry tears over them…good times!
Looking forward to:  Easter!  And enjoying the beautiful Austin springtime, complete with the wildflowers!  I just LOVE them!!

Eleven Weeks

So, writing about being pregnant every week has been just not possible during the first trimester.  Man!  Those first months are hard!  Thankfully, I haven’t been “go to the hospital for fluids” sick, but it sure does take a lot of time everyday to convince myself to eat, find what I want/ can eat, get rest, and have patience among the pregnancy hormones.

How far along? 11 weeks
Baby's size? Over 1.5 inches- a lime! 
Total weight gain: At least 5 lbs.  More than I would like, but at least I’m not losing thanks to being super sick.  Gotta count the blessings!
Maternity clothes? Pants- yep!  About to start wearing the shirts too- it’s getting a little tight upstairs too…
Sleep: Waking up at least once for a potty break.  But I got a new pillow last night and man, did I sleep well!
Best moment(s) this past week: We just started telling some close friends and extended family- such a wonderful outpouring of love from everyone!  Also, the Texas wildflowers are out!  Yay bluebonnets!
Miss Anything?  Lunch meat!  Oh, how I want a good, cold meat sandwich!
Movement: I sometimes feel like a flutter in my abdomen area, but all the books and websites say that I shouldn’t feel anything yet.  So, no?
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yep, no real pattern though.  So that makes it fun!  Kind of…
Cravings:  Popcorn, hotdogs, chicken salad sandwiches.  Really, everyday I want something different.
Labor Signs: Nope.
Gender: To be determined…
Symptoms:  Nausea, tired at lunchtime on most days (yay for 2 hour work break for naptime!), and finally mood swings.  Got to feel “stabby” for the first time this week.  Luckily, today I feel ridiculously happy!
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On!!  But the CTR ring is off.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Back and forth.
Looking forward to:  Using my new pillow all this week!  And taking cute “we’re having a baby” pictures next weekend!

Five Weeks


I’m pregnant!!  After 6 months of trying, we’ve been so very blessed to have a little one on the way!  Since it’s my first time being pregnant (obviously), we’ve only told out immediate family so far, just in case it’s hard to keep.  But it’s so hard not to tell!  We’re so very excited and have so many wonderful people in our lives that we want to share the good news with!  Hopefully, these blogs will catch everyone up to where we’re at in the pregnancy once I make them public.  Also, my hope is to include as many loved ones along this journey, near or far.  I had a cousin and cousin-in-law do this during their pregnancy, and with living so far from them, it was wonderful to keep track of what they were experiencing!

How far along? 5 weeks

Baby's size? a sesame seed

Total weight gain:  0, I think…

Maternity clothes? Yes, but only because my best fitting, pre-pregnancy jeans got a tear in them last week.  It the super awkward crotch spot.  So, we made a Target run to get a pair of jeans at 9:30 pm on a Saturday.  We saw some friends at the store (of course, with our luck), through the pants in a hallway, and said hi as discretely as possible… it’s hard for us to keep this a secret…

Sleep: Not a problem, thank goodness!  I love me some sleep!

Best moment(s) this past week: Finding out I was pregnant! 

Miss Anything?  Not really… it’s all about the same still.

Movement: Nope.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Overeating.  I have this weird nausea sensation when I’m on the verge of eating too much.  If I stop eating right then, it goes away.  And I’m super grateful things aren’t bad now.

Cravings:  Tomatoes!!  I could almost eat them like an apple!  Almost…

Labor Signs: Nope.

Gender: To be determined…

Symptoms:  I change quickly from the nausea full feeling to being hungry (like an hour).  Sore boobs! Wow, do they hurt! (sorry for the TMA… :o) A little more tired.

Belly Button in or out? In.

Wedding rings on or off? On!!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Back and forth.

Looking forward to:  Our first doctor’s appointment and being able to tell the world!  We’re so excited but only have told our immediate family so far.