Sunday, June 29, 2014

24 weeks and counting!

Man, I'm getting big!  Just look at the belly!! 

How far along? 24 weeks!!      Baby's size? Still 11.5 inches and 1 lb! Apparently, it's as long as an ear of corn, though technically nothing has changed... Total weight gain:  We'll go with 25 lbs still as I'm too lazy to weigh myself tonight :o) Maternity clothes? Yep!  
Sleep: I snored again last night- yay!  It's a bit harder to sleep while visiting family since the bed is different.  But I've been dreaming more, which hopefully means more REM sleep.

Best moment(s) this past week: Meeting my brother-in-law in person for the first time! Yay for missionaries coming home!  Visiting with my Uncle Scott, Aunt Nettie, James, and Martha and meeting little Zoe!  Also, despite the frequent stop, had a great time driving to Iowa with my Nathan.  I think we're doing pretty good in our marriage if we had a good time on a 16 hour road trip together. :o)

Miss Anything?  Standing up without help or struggling.  Man, things are getting weird at the waist area!

Movement: Lots and lots!  He's still mostly active at night, but sometimes he'll make himself know.  The other day it was when Michael Jackson was on the radio for his birthday or something.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Onions this week- weird since I haven't had problems with food lately.  But man oh man, onions are bad.  Wouldn't kiss Nathan last night because his breath smelled like onions even after brushing his teeth and chewing some gum.

Cravings: Nothing really this week.  I did want ice cream once, but I think it was because I was hot, not really a true craving.

Labor Signs: Nope.

Gender: BOY! 

Symptoms: Starting to have trouble bending to pick up things from the ground.  The next 16 weeks are going to be fun!  :o)

Belly Button in or out? In, but now starting to feel/ look less deep.  I may get an outtie yet!

Wedding rings on or off? The substitute ring is getting tight!  And just in time!  It's looking pretty terrible since I forgot to put clear nailpolish on it.  Also, my ring finger has a good amount of gray/ green around it from the ring... time to get a new one!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Had a hard time this week with feeling nervous about being a mommy.  I do appreciate the kind thoughts of so many that I'll be a great mother, but those feelings of inadequacy still come and scare me out of my happy, excited, baby hungry mood.
Looking forward to: More time with the family, my BIRTHDAY!!, visiting Nauvoo this week, 4th of July celebrations in Iowa.

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