Typically developing kiddo (except for the cleft palate). Such great eye contact and non-verbal and verbal communication! Lots of requesting! (yeah, I'm such a nerd... :o)
I blew a lot of bubbles in El Salvador...
Areli! The proud earner of the stuffed monkey! One of my favorites!
Cleft lip.
Nose revision (sometimes the doctors in El Salvador do a poor job with cleft lip and palate repairs... our team did a lot of revision surgeries- like the nose- this time to correct what was poorly done before)
Another favorite!
And the last favorite of the older kid crew! They were all in the operating room at the same time getting nose repairs. I watched over them like a mother hen for about 30 minutes, but then it was enough. Nose surgeries gross me out!
Baby with bubbles post surgery!
Cleft palate.
Super sweet and interesting girl! Lots of medically stuff going on with her, so they couldn't work on her this trip, although they traveled for 3 hours to get to us! However, Austin Smiles is planning on taking a specialist next year to make sure this little lady gets her cleft palate and fistulas (holes in the hard palate that are super hard to repair) closed up!
The last baby! Bringing out her out to see the parents!
The parents getting emotional- the team did a beautiful lip repair on their daughter!
Oh what a trip! It for sure will NOT be my last!