Ember's first baby set! Complete with stroller and cradle!
Ian's first bike! Complete with training wheels!
The hat and scarf I made for Ember! She loved them so much that she also put on Ian's! So cute!
Ian with his hat and scarf!
A train! Enough said for a little boy!
Little snowman...
Ember halfway asleep, just waking up! So cute!
They're getting so big! They're turning 4 and 2 years old in a month! It's quite nice that this year I've seen them in January (Christmas break) and February (last weekend for grandma's funeral), and I'll see them in March (for Dillon's Homecoming)... I think this should be an on-going trend! And it'll definitely be more possible in 3 months when grad school is DONE! Yippee! Now to get cracking on my thesis this week... :o)