Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oh grad school...

Remember how that pretty much happened to me? One of my thesis advisers went on sabbatical for 2 semesters. We e-mailed back and forth regarding how I would measure bilingualism for my thesis. (based on their 1st language? dominance? level of proficiency? sequential vs. simultaneous?) This goes on the whole time she's gone- I do research, talk to colleges, search, ponder, pray (you get the idea :o) in hopes of figuring it out how to move forward on my thesis! She gets back. We have a 5 minute meeting. Problem solved. Oh the joys... to all those working on grad school- good luck! :o) May your experiences be less "adventurous" than mine was...

1 comment:

alli said...

That is totally the way it is...