Wednesday, August 10, 2011

El Salvador- The Last of the Kiddos!

And the last of the kiddos in El Salvador!

This little guy was SO excited to have his surgery! He has a clef palate which makes it hard to understand his speech, and he really, really wanted to have the surgery to help it. Unfortunately, after the doctors put him under during surgery, they discovered that he couldn't safely be intubated with the equipment they brought from the States. He and his mom were pretty upset that the surgery couldn't be done. And they traveled SO far! I believe it was an 8 hour bus ride for the poor little family...

This little guy was SO cute feeding himself with the syringe!

The baby! Before the surgery, he let all of us hold him!

Some of the mom's like to make hammocks for their little ones- so sweet!

This little lady came last year on the last day, but we couldn't do anything. This year, we had a dentist come who made mouth appliances to plug up the secondary holes or fistulas (that sometimes result later after a clef palate surgery). Yay!

Oh, how I loved going to El Salvador! I can't wait to go next year!

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